Hello and welcome; I’m Parthalon. We are going to be talking about the different sizes of Crews today.
First, the obvious. I’m a crewmate, you are a crewmate, the Prime Council themselves are all crewmates. From the former High Commander all the way down to a kid just out of school looking for their first job, we are all the same. (And don’t let any of the fancy Arvad-shipborn convince you that it is otherwise!)
You have a face, a name, a Crewmate ID, a Class that you trained in and a Trait that you specialized in, and a personality. Mine are handsome, Parthalon, 24089, Scientist, Dietician, and “commanding, righteous, and arrogant”, respectively.
And wherever you are, even if you are all alone, you are on a Crew. A crew of just you!
But likely, you’ll want to have some more crewmates on your crew. It’s better to work together.
Crews will also have a face, a name, a crew ID, and a collection of crewmates with different classes and traits. Mine are my own face as the Captain, The Parthalonians, 982, a scientist and (currently) four miners, and a dietitian, two prospectors, and two surveyors, respectively.
Crews also pool their food, so the whole crew will have one percentage for how many rations are left. No one will sign on a crewmate that arrives hungry, so any newly recruited crewmate will arrive with a full share of food.
Taking the “working together” idea a step farther, I run a little company of crews that work together on different parts of our larger operations.
My company, the Lebor Gabala Adalia, is comprised of a Mining crew that I lead, a Builder crew that Cessair leads, and a Refinery crew that Nemed leads. The other two crews also each have a single miner assigned to them for now, so that all three crews can get experience with core sampling and mining, as the Prime Council has commanded.
We all pool our SWAY and share a single Warehouse and Refinery between us. The warehouse has our shared pool of essentials like Food and Core Drills, and the components that the Bantry Bay Builders will turn into more Extractors. These things are specifically not stored in those “FreeSteal” warehouses in Arkos or sitting out on the ground on worksites, because I don’t like it when scavs take my stuff. (And not in the hold of a landed LT, because I ain’t got that kind of SWAY.)
The growing cluster of extractors falls mostly under my command, and Nemed keeps the refinery running as often as he can making pure water and various different kinds of salts.
Bigger than a company, a corporation is when you have multiple independent crews working together, but divided into whole separate divisions.
I don’t have quite that scope of operations going yet, but there is another water miner nearby that I am friendly with. He’s got his own little dig going over there, but his is too small to feed his refinery effectively. If he instead sent his water to me to desalinate, and I paid him for the water, that would be the kind of scale that would count. He gets paid, and I have more product flowing through my pipeline!
Basically, as soon as you have need of an accounting department to track deals between two different wallets, then that’s a corporation.
This is the big one. Once you grow past the scope of the largest corporation and start getting into the level of being a government, then that’s an Alliance.
These guys will be hundreds and hundreds of crewmates across hundreds of crews, each part of dozens of large organizations that have all agreed to work together on huge projects.
Me, I’m not about that game. I’m okay with being the big fish in the tiny pond, as long as I don’t have anyone telling me what to do.
Parthalon, over and out.