Hello and welcome; I’m Parthalon. So far I’ve put together a generalist mining crew of four other Adalians - two Engineers, two Miners, and me, a Scientist. We’ve been working together on building a Warehouse in the middle of three plots in a row that we’ve leased.
First we waited for the materials to arrive from Arkos.
Then we ended up waiting some extra, because we got a bit distracted. The hoppers that brought the materials out are very literal little machines, and they won’t leave anything on the ground until you sign off that you received it.
Then we flew out there and got the job started. It took 2 hours and 47 minutes for us to get out there, followed by almost 13 more hours of work by the construction drones.
So while that was happening, we had some more waiting to do. See how the client shows us as “Idle” while the construction drones are actually doing all the work? So this was the perfect time to add a second crew, as previously discussed.
In the Crew Details panel, go to “Split Crew” - The Crew summary panel in the top left can be accessed by clicking on any of the Crewmate portraits. To the right of this panel are the crew management buttons. We want to specifically split them right now.
Drag-and-Drop to Form New Crew - This brings up a panel with two crews: the existing one, and a new one. As I said before, Cessair is my second-in-command, so she’s going to be the Captain of the new Crew. I’ll keep the Miners, and the Engineer Nemed will go with her.
Save Changes and Sign - This is an impactful option, as indicated by the purple button, so it requires a signature.
Recruit additional Crewmates to fill out the Crew - I then hired two new miners - family of Fir Bolg - to make the crew better at mining…at the cost of being hopeless at everything else. Fir Domnann is a Prospector and Fir Galioin is a Surveyor, so we get a mix of quicker and better core samples.
Switch to the other Crew - On the “hamburger” menu in the top right of the main screen, click on “My Crews (2)” to see, well, my two crews, as you might have guessed.
Play as the other Crew - Click the other Crew and press the big “Play” button. I don’t know why it says this, since both crews are actually hard at work, but whatever. This panel is also an excellent way to see when all of your Crews will be ready for more work.
Fill out the other Crew too - I’ve hired Cessair’s husband Fintan and two of his buddies - all Builders - to complete this crew. There’s still one Refiner on the crew - Nemed - but this is about as good as an all-Adalian Builder Crew can be.
So there we have it! We have one dedicated Mining Crew with a mix of Prospectors and Surveyors (and a lone Scientist, for now), and one dedicated Builder Crew with four Builders and a lone Refiner, who, unlike a Scientist on a Mining Crew, at least still counts as an Engineer and is nearly as good at building as the actual Builders.
Next time, we will put both of these crews to work…
…in a little over an hour.